Technical Performance and Tests
Overall Assembly Panel

Geometry Cutouts and Components
Based on these conditions, the following condensation risk indices were found:
1. Critical Locations and Surface Temperatures: The coldest surface temperatures were found at various locations within the assembly that could be exposed to interior air. Three locations were identified for the evaluated assemblies and are shown in below in the diagram.
2. Maximum Allowable Interior Humidity: Based on this temperature and the interior air temperature, the maximum allowable interior relative humidity (RH) before condensation could occur was determined for the critical surfaces*. The maximum allowable interior RH is the highest level of interior humidity that can be present in the space before it raises the interior dew-point temperature above the critical surface temperature and condensation can form. This can provide further estimation of condensation risk if there could be some variability of the interior humidity conditions.
Gypum not shown
*The risk of condensation occurs when surface temperatures drop below the interior dew point, which is dependent on the temperatures and relative humidity of the interior air.
Critical locations and sample temperature plots are shown in the figure below. The table below provides the surface temperatures at the three critical locations for the panel.